IllusionCloud tasks

ID Category Task Type Priority Severity Summary Status  desc Progress
122NetworkMaintenanceHighHighde-cubes-01c filtering node capacity upgradeFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that we’re going to upgrade our filtering node capacity, that meaning the customers hosted here will experience some downtime, we will try to schedule this task at the minimum of the network traffic, currently we don’t have the exact date&time of this upgrade but we will announce it one day before the maintenance.
ETA: 1-2 hours

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

124NetworkUnplanned incidentHighHighRouter unplanned downtimeFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that we’re experiencing a downtime on some parts of our network, we’re investigating.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

127NetworkUnplanned incidentHighHighPacket loss de-cubes-01cFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that we’ve experienced a packet loss due to unknown reasons, we’re investigating. It seems that we have quite a huge latency on the drive of our filtering appliance.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

128NetworkUnplanned incidentMediumHighPacket loss RCS&RDS de-cubes-01cFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that we’ve experienced a packet loss due to RCS&RDS peering issues with Cogent, our egress provider. These issues occurred in the past and RCS&RDS solved them by themselves, we’re waiting for updates.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

130NetworkUnplanned incidentHighHighPartial network outageFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that we’re experiencing a partial network outage due to a router located in Nuremberg that has some firmware issues, technicians are investigating and fixing the issue.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

133NetworkUnplanned incidentHighHighde-cubes-01c XDP filtering updatesFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that we’re going to update our XDP filtering software this morning, the process shouldn’t take long and there are no expected further issues, but some packet loss or short downtime will be encountered and this task will remain open until stability is confirmed.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

4WebsiteFeature RequestMediumMediumDevelopment of a remote protection WHMCS pluginFinished
Task Description

We’ve started developing a module that allows us to control customers remote protection links.
No impact on our web servers uptime.

7NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumRemake of the web filtering templateFinished
Task Description

We’re updating our web filtering template to a newer and improved logic of filtering.
No impact on our network’s uptime.

9WebsiteBug ReportMediumMediumDiscord bot remakeFinished
Task Description

We’ve decided to remake our Discord bot in order to make it much easier to use.
No uptime impact on any services.

11NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumCaching server migrationFinished
Task Description

We will migrate our caching servers to faster hardware and more capacity.
Services uptime impact is minimal to none.

14Game hostingMaintenanceMediumMediumgamenodeegh7 restart plannedFinished
Task Description

We’re going to restart the dedicated server hosting the main gameservers (gamenodeegh7) after 2 AM Europe/Paris for an upgrade.

15WebsiteMaintenanceMediumMediumWAF PoP 2 restart plannedFinished
Task Description

We’re going to restart the dedicated server hosting the PoP 2 for our WAF after 2 AM Europe/Paris for an upgrade.

18VPSBug ReportHighMediumOS images updatesFinished
Task Description

The KVM/LXC images need to be updated to the latest versions and be free of startup bugs in order to mitigate the failure of automatic activation of services.

20VPSMaintenanceMediumMediumVPS Development migration to our networkFinished
Task Description

We will start migrating the VPS development plans to our network.
ETA: 15-30 minutes per client, no overall downtime

21Game hostingUnplanned incidentMediumMediumDatabase unresponsiveFinished
Task Description

We’ve currently observed some low performance issues and connectivity problems with the main database.
We will proceed to restore the data to another host this morning.

27VPSMaintenanceHighMediumUpgrade from Ryzen 7 1700x to I9 9900kFinished
Task Description

Dear clients, we will perform an upgrade on our Ryzen 7 1700x.
This maintenance will affect all the customers that are using that dedicated server.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

28VPSAnnouncementMediumMediumLow performing NVMe SSDs on Ryzen 7 1700xFinished
Task Description

Dear clients, recently we’ve observed some performance issues on our dedicated server which is hosting the “VPS development” category.
We will proceed with an upgrade ASAP.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience!

31NetworkFeature RequestMediumMediumRAGE:MP filtering templateFinished
Task Description

We’re currently developing a custom filtering template for RAGE:MP GTA 5, during this development CP-FW will be unavailable, in maintenance mode.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience!

33Game hostingMaintenanceMediumMediumPterodactyl panel upgradeFinished
Task Description

We are pleased to announce that we will be performing an upgrade to our Pterodactyl Panel for game server hosting starting from 18/01/2023 22:00 PM Europe/Paris timezone.
This upgrade will improve the overall performance, stability, and security of game servers hosted on our platform.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.

35NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumFiveM/RedM filtering updateFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We are pleased to announce that we will be performing everyday maintenance after 3:00 AM Europe/Paris timezone for port ranges 30120-32000. This maintenance will not have an impact on our network, only the specified port range may occasionally have interrupts.

We thank you for your patience during this process and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

37NetworkUnplanned incidentMediumMediumRouter 4 issueFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that one of our routers went offline, we’re investigating the cause.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

38Dedicated serversMaintenanceMediumMediumDedicated server 4 migrationFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that this night after 12:00 AM Europe/Paris timezone we will begin the migration to a new dedicated server in order to upgrade the processing power of our dedicated server and the storage, we are going to use datacenter grade SSDs for our dedicated server.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

41Dedicated serversMaintenanceMediumMediumDedicated server 4 migrationFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that this night after 12:00 AM Europe/Paris timezone we will begin the migration to a new dedicated server in order to upgrade the processing power of our dedicated server again.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

46Dedicated serversMaintenanceMediumMediumDedicated server 4 networking upgradeFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that we’ll upgrade our networking on the dedicated server 4. The maintenance will start on the 25/02/2023 at 01:30 AM Europe/Paris timezone.

ETA: 30-60 minutes.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

47Dedicated serversMaintenanceMediumMediumDedicated server 4 network instabilityFinished
Task Description

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that we’re experiencing issues with the networking on our dedicated server 4, we’re investigating the issue.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, IllusionCloud Team

52WebsiteMaintenanceMediumMediumWebsites maintenanceFinished
53WebsiteUnplanned incidentMediumMediumRedundancy failureFinished
55NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumGTA 5 XDP Filtering updateFinished
56NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumXDP filtering updatesFinished
58Dedicated serversUnplanned incidentMediumMediumDedicated server 4 RAM issueFinished
59NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumXDP filtering updatesFinished
60NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumXDP filtering updatesFinished
61NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumXDP filtering updatesFinished
62NetworkUnplanned incidentMediumMediumFrance, Paris caching server issuesFinished
65NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumXDP filtering updatesFinished
67NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumXDP filtering updatesFinished
69NetworkUnplanned incidentMediumMediumInternal DNS server issuesFinished
71WebhostingUnplanned incidentMediumMediumWebhosting node storage issueFinished
72Game hostingUnplanned incidentMediumMediumFrankfurt caching serverFinished
75NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumXDP filtering updatesFinished
76NetworkUnplanned incidentMediumMediumFrankfurt caching server issueFinished
79WebhostingUnplanned incidentMediumMediumMail server issueFinished
80Dedicated serversMaintenanceMediumMediumDedicated server 6 scheduled rebootFinished
81NetworkMaintenanceMediumMediumNetwork-wide XDP filtering updatesFinished
82Dedicated serversUnplanned incidentMediumMediumDedicated server 6 scheduled rebootFinished
83NetworkUnplanned incidentMediumMediumDedicated server 6 scheduled rebootFinished
85Game hostingUnplanned incidentMediumMediumParis cache serverFinished
86WebsiteMaintenanceMediumMediumBilling platform updateFinished
87NetworkAnnouncementMediumMediumMigration of txAdmin Panel (
88NetworkAnnouncementMediumMediumMigration of VPSes (
Showing tasks 51 - 100 of 130 Page 2 of 3

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